Withers & Barry Rd, Kellyville

Withers Rd, Kellyville, NSW | Andrew King, Project Manager, The Hills Shire Council

Design of roads, stormwater & pavements for proposed new traffic signal intersection of a sub-arterial road and regional road.  Intersection of 4 roads/legs near a shopping centre and in North Kellyville growth area.

Diversi were engaged to undertake the civil detail design of the intersection including design of roads, stormwater, pavements, construction stagging and coordination of utility services.  Also required to engage and manage other services including survey, geotechnical, traffic, services detection and quantity surveyor.

Project Budget:  $3.8M

108 – Civil Engineering Referee Comments

All design works completed on time and within the specified budget. Variations were dealt with in an effective manner in full consultation with Council. Difficult issues with utility relocations were completed in exceptional detail.