Client: Dahua Group
Status: Constructed 2020
“Delivering major road upgrades whilst addressing constructability”
Diversi were engaged to undertake the detailed design for the upgrade to New Illawarra Road at Barden Ridge to provide access to the new subdivision and community sport facilities. New Illawarra Road is a major classified road connecting Lucas Heights (to the south) with Greater Sydney (to the north).
1. New traffic signal intersection
2. New divided road and pavements
3. New estate entry road
4. New entry road and roundabout to regional sports complex
5. Acoustic walls
6. Shared used path
7. New stormwater drainage
8. Adjustment to electrical services
9. Protection of optic fibre cables
10. Clear of vegetation and new landscaping
As New Illawarra Road is a major arterial road it was not possible to close the road during construction. This constraint was overcome through careful consideration during the detailed design of how the works would be constructed and staged.Diversi were engaged to undertake all engineering design works including civil, structural, traffic, geotechnical and electrical services. The works consisted of a new 4-way signalised intersection, reconstruction of 700m of highway including new pavement, kerbs, medians, shared user paths, street lighting, vehicle barriers, stormwater drainage and the under boring of electrical services.
Existing major services within the road corridor including electrical, optic fibre and gas mains were also present and considered during the design to avoid expensive adjustments or relocations.